How To Pass The CASI Level 4: Evolution Of A Lesson Plan
Jake Boling Jake Boling

How To Pass The CASI Level 4: Evolution Of A Lesson Plan

As instructors, particularly those training for higher certifications, we are told to write lesson plans. How to do this (outside of filling in those generic templates in the course book) is left up to you.

My hope is that through sharing in the evolution of five years of notebook lessons it might give you some tools to plan high end sessions with confidence and adaptability.

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How To Pass The CASI Level 4: Fail Your Way To The Top
Jake Boling Jake Boling

How To Pass The CASI Level 4: Fail Your Way To The Top

It is through how we manage failure that the greatest steps in our development are made possible. As coaches we know this. Yet when it comes to our own teaching, we seem to forget.

Everything we do is a skill. It is all learned. It can all be improved, and failure is the key.

Working towards the Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors Level 4 I failed a lot and I failed hard. I’d highly recommend it.

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How To Buy A Snowboard With The Help Of A Snowboard Instructor
Jake Boling Jake Boling

How To Buy A Snowboard With The Help Of A Snowboard Instructor

With hundreds of different snowboards to choose from, it can be a real challenge to find the best snowboard for you.

That’s exactly why I have put together this guide on how to buy a snowboard. To help you narrow down the choice with real instructor backed advice. To make sure when you do finally find the board you’re looking for, it is everything you had hoped it would be!

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Snowboard Like a Pro: How Gravity is Your Friend Not Your Enemy
Jake Boling Jake Boling

Snowboard Like a Pro: How Gravity is Your Friend Not Your Enemy

Gravity. For the majority of the population, this force goes unnoticed. It’s the one we learn to conquer as a child, pinned to the floor till we get the strength to resist its pull. From there the world becomes an adventure, we are free to explore where ever our legs can take us.

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