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Advice Tried and Tested in Whistler, BC.

Real tips, given to real students in the mecca of mountain biking and snowboarding.


At Mtn Performance we seek excellence. Pairing the highest levels of certification available with years of multi sport coaching experience, we are dedicated to helping people push their boundaries, challenge their comfort zones and discover new talent.

Jake works as both an Instructor trainer and coach year round in Whistler, BC. Coaching athletes, instructing recreationalists and developing the riding and teaching skills of other instructors in multiple sports. Representing the top >1% of all mountain bike, ski and snowboard instructors, Jakes qualifications and experience set him apart as one of the top technical coaches in his industry.

Who knew there were so many life lessons to learn sliding down mountains on pieces of plastic or rubber? The mountains have a way of drawing you in, entrancing you with their beauty, and demanding your respect.  

For us, the mountains provide a place to experiment with something new. To practice fundamental life skills in a rich demanding environment. To grow creativity and confidence in trying the things we see as outside the box. They push us to achieve goals we never thought possible.

The mountains and gravity sports have an intrinsic relationship that requires work, dedication and drive to nurture. 

Anyone can jump on a chairlift, strap on some equipment and fall down the mountain. To do it in control, at a stretch with some style, takes a little more effort. 

In the years spent developing peoples’ ability to gracefully fall down mountains, I’ve discovered that many of the same things help someone make their firsts turns, or jump off a cliff and ride away grinning, we can apply to both life and business to cultivate success and happiness.

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